About me 👋

I’m currently a Computer Science & Mathematics Undergrad student at the University of 〽️Michigan. In my spare time, I mainly focus on privacy & security enhancing technologies. I'm extremely fortunate to have the chance to work on Refraction Networking under Prof. J. Alex Halderman and Eric Wustrow.

Before UMich, I spent 1 year at ByteDance as a Recommendation & NLP Algorithm Engineer🧑🏻‍💻. Before that, I did my first 1.5 years undergrad in CS&Math at the University of Sydney🦘 as well as several research projects🧐 and a Winter Research Intern.

I’m broadly interested in developing and understanding ML systems and security that can be easily and responsibly deployed in the real world. My current exploration focuses on security and privacy (PETs). I am also interested in adversarial, reinforcement learning and theory.

Email / LinkedIn

Teaching 🧑‍🏫

I'm currently an Instructional Aide for the following courses at the University of Michigan:

I have been a teaching assistant & grader for the following courses at the University of Sydney:


Center for Computer Security and Society, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Research Assistant, 2023 - present
CURLY, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Research Assistant, 2022 - 2023
ByteDance, Beijing, China
Recommendation System & NLP Algorithm Intern, 2020 - 2021
The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Research Intern, 2020

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